Hair, Perfume & Beauty Tips for Adult Workers by Adult Jobs Sydney

Ladies, listen up! The adult working world is enthralling and a basket of nerves all in one and knowing what the do’s and don’ts are can be challenging for your first few weeks working in a brothel.

But we’re here to help and get you through that yes or no phase when deciding to become a part time adult worker with all the important things to make your male customers very satisfied. You most likely have questions about working in a brothel including how do you wear your hair, what do you even wear and what perfume to spray?

You’ve past the interview and you are now about to start your employment as an adult worker, so here are some tips.

If you are blessed with long hair you should always leave it out, let it fall gently down your face when your customer greets you. This gives off a casual vibe and takes away the rigid look. It shows you care about your appearance, but go for the blow dry and straightened look so you casually ooze effort and sweep him off his feet.

When you’re browsing the wardrobe of what look to go with, think about what guys visiting a brothel are coming for. Guys love feminism so dresses and skirts always pack a punch. If you radiate confidence then be bold and go with a jumpsuit or playsuit. They are chic, sexy and will have your man eager to stay longer with you.

Don’t be afraid to play with colours, but don’t be too ambitious – if it’s not something you’d usually go to then don’t risk it on the date. Black and red is always a safe options for adult working ladies. You want to be sure to impress so exude poise when he greets you.

When it comes to looking for the perfect scent to spray – golden rule – don’t go for a really strong perfume that will make him pullback if he went in for some girlfriend affection. Whatever aroma you are looking for, be sure to play it safe and always remember less is more.

Ladies, lap up the male attention, shine like gold and sparkle like glitter and you’ll find your nights working in a Sydney brothel fun and financially very rewarding.

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